பைல் எக்ஸ்டேன்சன் தெரியாதவர்களுக்காக தெரிந்தவர்கள் நினைவுபடுத்தவும்
.a - UNIX static library file.
.ac - ACwin project file / GNU Autoconf configuration script / AC3D geometry file / Acceleration record file.
.acc - GEM desk accessories file.
.accdb - Microsoft Access 2007 database file.
.ace - ACE Archiver compression file.
.act - Action diagram (FoxPro) / Action File (Animation Master).
.acv - Adobe Photoshop compensation curve file.
.ade - Microsoft Access project extension.
.adp - Microsoft Access project file / Dynamic web page.
.adm - Addict Dictionary file / Group Policy Administrative Template file.
.ai - PostScript viewer / Acrobat Illustrator vector graphics file / AIwin project file.
.aid - MapXtreme generated file.
.aif - Audio Interchange File.
.aifc - Compressed audio file.
.aiff - Audio Interchange File.
.alg - ESRI Mapper File / HDLmaker file.
.als - Part of the Delphi help file system.
.amm - Adaptive Message Macro file.
.amp - Arbitrary Map file.
.amv - Audio-Video media file.
.ani - Animated cursor file.
.apn - ApneaGraph data file / Wallpaper graphics file / REC Navigation application.
.app - VoxPro file / GEM file.
.aps - Binary file.
.arc - Compressed file.
.arj - Compressed file.
.as - Flash ActionScript file.
.asc - ASCII text file.
.ascx - Visual Studio custom user control source file.
.asf - Media player audio/visual file.
.asm - Assembler file / Solid Edge assembly file.
.asp - Active Server page.
.aspx - ASP.NET file.
.aspx.cs - Visual C# source file.
.aspx.resx .Net resource file.
.aspx.vb - VB.Net source file.
.atf - Adobe Transfer Functions file / Axon Text File.
.att - Email attachment.
.atx - Texture plugin (Animation Master)
.aty - 3D Topicscape association type file.
.au - µ-law sound file.
.aux - Auxiliary target file / Erdas Hierarchical File / LaTeX auxiliary reference file / ChiWriter auxiliary dictionary.
.av2 - Avatar2 model file (Animation Master)
.ava - Avatar model file (Animation Master)
.avi - Audio video file.
.awk - AWK script file.
.axe - AutoRoute map export file.
.bad - Generic bad (corrupt) file / Non-delivered email.
.bak - Generic backup file.
.bas - BASIC source code file.
.bat - MS-DOS batch file.
.bbc - BBC BASIC for Windows program or data file.
.bbt - BTwin database file / bbTracker GPS track file / Basket Ball Team file.
.bc - BCwin project file / BitComet intermediary download file / Big Crunch compressed archive / Byte Code (LLVM) file.
.bcd - Board/Chip description file.
.bck - VMS backup file.
.bdb - Back of Works database file.
.bdp - Bad mail pointer file/ Combat Flight Simulator 3 file.
.bdr - Bad mail report file / Microsoft Publisher Border file.
.bil - Spot raster image file.
.bin - Generic binary / MacBinary encoded file / CD image.
.bk - Adobe FrameMaker book file.
.bkf - Windows backup file.
.bkp - backup file
.bks - Backup selection file.
.blk - Descent Mission Builder block file.
.bmc - Bitmap Cache file / Embroidery image file.
.bmp - Bit-map image file.
.bnk - Decent 2 FM sound instrument definition file.
.bpg - Borland Delphi project group file.
.bpl - Borland package library.
.brn - BrainStorm model file.
.brw - ProMash session file.
.bsc - Browse information file.
.bt - BTwin project file / EVwin project file / ILwin project file.
.btk - TeKton database file.
.btm - Batch to memory file.
.bud - Backup disk for Quicken.
.bup - Backup of a .ifo file.
.bva - Biovision action file.
.bvh - Biovision hierarchical motion file.
.bvp - BlueVoda Publication file.
.bz2 - Bzip2 compressed file.
.c - 'C' programming language source code.
.c4d - Clonk object definition file.
.c4f - Clonk scenario folder file.
.c4p - Clonk player file.
.c4m - Clonk material file.
.c4i - Clonk object info file.
.c4s - Clonk scenario file.
.c4q - Clonk queue file.
.c4v - Clonk video file.
.cab - Cabinet compressed file.
.cam - Camera file (Animation Master).
.cat - Security catalogue file.
.cbl - Cobol source file.
.cc - C++ source file.
.ccd - CloneCD control file.
.cct - Adobe Director protected cast resource file.
.cd - Class diagram file / CD-i OptiImage CD image file / cdTree CD catalogue file.
.cda - Compact disk audio track.
.cdr - CorelDRAW drawing / Raw Audio-CD.
.cdt - Corel Draw template file.
.cdx - Visual FoxPro compound index.
.cf - CFwin project file / Sendmail configuration file / Piranha configuration file / Zimbra configuration file.
.cfm - Cold Fusion mark-up file
.cfml - Cold Fusion mark-up language file.
.cfg - Delphi configuration file.
.cgf - CargoMap file.
.cgi - CGI web based program or script.
.che - CHwinEHE project file / Chemical model file.
.chi - Help file index / ChiWriter document.
.chm - Compiled HTML help file.
.cho - Choreography file (Animation Master)
.chr - Charset file / Constraint Handling Rules file.
.chunk001 - First part of a File Splitter split file.
.chunk002 - Second part of a File Splitter split file.
.chunk003 - Third part of a File Splitter split file.
.cif - Easy CD Creator CD image file.
.cl - Common LISP source file / CLwin project file / Control Language file.
.class - Compiled Java class file.
.clp - Windows clipboard file.
.cls - Latex class file / VB6 class file / GSEA Phenotype data format file.
.clw - Class Wizard file / Clarion module file.
.cmd - Windows-DOS command script file.
.cmf - Corel Metafile.
.cn - CNwin account file / MIwin account file / ICM distance restraints file.
.cnt - Contents file for a windows help file.
.com - Executable command file.
.cpl - Control panel item file.
.cpp - C++ language source file.
.cpt - Compact Pro file.
.cs - Visual C# source file.
.csp -Crystal Server Page / Caché Server Page.
.css - Cascading style sheet file.
.cst - Adobe Director protected cast resource file / DesignWorks schema file / LogicWorks schema file.
.csv - Comma separated value file.
.ct - CTwin project file / Nucleic acid sequence and base pairing information file / Cheat table file.
.ctt - Messenger contacts file.
.cue - Cue sheet file.
.cur - Microsoft Windows cursor file.
.cvs - CANVAS file.
.cvx - CANVAS file.
.cwf - ClarisWorks file / COM-Watch File.
.cxt - Macromedia Director protected cast resource file.
.cxx - C++ language source file.
.da - DAwin project file.
.daa - Direct-Access-Archive CD/DVD image file
.dat - Generic data file / Mapinfo data file / c-tree plus database.
.db - Generic database file.
.dbc - Visual FoxPro database file.
.dbf - dBASE III database file, dBASE IV database file, dBASE 5 database file / FoxPro database file / ArcView dBASE file.
.dbg - MS-Dev debug file.
.dbi - Delphi Database Explorer file.
.dbx - FoxPro table file / Outlook Express file.
.dcf - Copy protected media file container.
.dci - Delphi code template file.
.dcp - Delphi component package.
.dcr - Delphi component resource file / Shockwave file
.dct - Delphi file / FoxPro file / Aurora dictionary.
.dcu - Delphi compiled unit.
.dcx - FoxPro database index.
.dd - DDwin project file / Mac Disk Doubler compressed archive file.
.ddf - Diamond Directive File.
.ddi - DiskDupe image file.
.ddp - Delphi diagram portfolio file.
.deb - Package file.
.def - Windows library definition file.
.dem - Delphi file / Descent 1/2 demo file.
.dep - Dependency file.
.det - Descent Manager file.
.dfm - Delphi form file.
.dfn - Delphi support file for integrated translation environment.
.dft - Solid Edge drafting file.
.dir - Shockwave file.
.dgn - MicroStation binary design file.
.dlg - Windows dialog resource file.
.dll - Dynamic Linked Library.
.dmg - Macintosh Disk Image.
.dmp - (Windows) Dump file.
.dmt - Delphi menu template file.
.do - ModelSim file / Stata command file.
.doc - Word document / Word Perfect document.
.docx - Microsoft Word (XML) document.
.dof - Delphi options file.
.dot - Microsoft Word template.
.dotm - Microsoft Word 2007 template supporting macros.
.dotx - Microsoft Word 2007 template.
.dpk - Delphi package.
.dpl - Delphi 3 package library.
.dps - DataPower script file.
.dr - DRwin project file / Digital Rights file / Disaster Recovery file.
.dro - Delphi object repository file.
.dpr - Delphi project file.
.drv - Driver file.
.drw - Brother word-processor file / Freelance file / Micrografx file / Autocad drawing / LinkWinds drawing.
.DS_Store - Mac OS X file describing the appearance of a folder.
.dsk - Delphi desktop file.
.dsm - Delphi symbol module / Visual Studio macro file.
.dsn - Tiny CAD file / ODBC File DSN.
.dst - Delphi desktop settings file.
.dti - Delphi 5 diagram portfolio file.
.dtp - Timeworks publisher text file.
.dun - Dial-up networking configuration file.
.dwf - AutoCAD drawing.
.dwg - AutoCAD binary drawing.
.dwt - AutoCAD binary drawing template.
.dxb - AutoCAD binary drawing exchange format.
.dxf - AutoCAD drawing exchange format file.
.dxr - Macromedia Director Protected movie file.
.e00 - ArcInfo export file.
.eb - EBwin project file.
.edb - Exchange database file.
.ecw - Enhanced Compressed Wavelet.
.elx - Elixir Form Design Suite file.
.emf - Enhanced Windows Metafile.
.eml - Microsoft Outlook e-mail file.
.end - CorelDraw arrow-head definition.
.eps - Encapsulated postscript file.
.eps2 - Adobe PostScript Level II.
.err - FoxPro compilation error file.
.esl - FoxPro support library file.
.evt - Event log file.
.exe - Executable file / Self extracting archive.
.exp - LIB export file / SonicWall exported configuration file.
.ezs - EZ-R Stats batch script file.
.fas - Fast load lisp file.
.fcc - FreeProxy cache control file.
.fcd - Virtual CD-ROM file / FreeProxy cache data file / Flowcode file.
.fcg - FastCGI script.
.fdp - FlashDevelop project file / MapSonic memory card format map file.
.fes - 3D Topicscape fileless occurrence file.
.ffa - Fast Find file.
.ffl - Fast Find file.
.ffo - Fast find file.
.ffx - Fast find file.
.fh - Simplex database form file.
.fky - FoxPro macro file.
.fla - Flash movie file.
.flk - Flock plugin (Animation Master)
.fll - FoxPro dynamic link library.
.flv - Flash Video File.
.fm - Adobe FrameMaker document file.
.fmt - FoxPro format file / Tharo Systems label file.
.fnt - Font file / Descent font file.
.fol - First Choice Database file.
.fon - System font file.
.for - Fortran source code file.
.pf5 - Filemaker Pro database file.
.pf7 - FileMaker Pro database file.
.fpt - Foxpro table memo.
.fpx - FlashPix image file.
.frm - Visual Basic source code / MySql table definition file.
.frt - FoxPro report.
.frx - FoxPro report / Visual Basic form binary file.
.fts - Help index file.
.ftw - Family Tree Maker export file
.fxp - FoxPro compiled program.
.gbi - Delphi database explorer file.
.gbm - MapServer bitmap store file.
.gdb - MapServer database file / Interbase file.
.gds - MapServer dataset file.
.ged - GEDCOM file.
.gem - GEM metafile.
.gen - ARC Digitized graphics file.
.gid - Windows (help) global index.
.gi - Global Image file.
.gif - GIF image file.
.gix - MapServer sheet index file.
.gmt - Zmodeler2 filter file.
.gpd - Generic Printer Driver file / CRISP output file / Gameplay data file / Grid Parameter Definition file / Visual Epr input file.
.gra - Gradient plugin (Animation Master).
.grc - Vertical Mapper Classified Grid file.
.grd - Vertical Mapper Continuous grid file / RockWorks XYG data file.
.grp - Program Manager Group file.
.gsf - MapServer sheet file.
.gvp - Google Video Player File.
.gz - Unix compressed file.
.gzip - Compressed file.
.h - Header file.
.ham - Descent 2 game data attribute file.
.hcsp - HTML page generated from Stellent CMS.
.hex - Macintosh binary file.
.hhc - HTML Help Workshop Contents file.
.hhf - Hand Held Format file / HLA Header file.
.hhk - HTML Help Workshop Index file.
.hhp - HTML Help Workshop Project file.
.hi - Descent 2 high score file.
.hlp - Windows standard help file.
.hmp - Music file.
.hog - Descent 1/2 archive file.
.hol - Microsoft Outlook Holiday file.
.hpp - C++ header file.
.hqx - Macintosh binary file.
.ht - HyperTerminal file.
.hta - Hypertext Application.
.htm - HTML file.
.html - HTML file.
.htt - Folder settings file.
.hxm - Descent 2 game data attribute file.
.hxt - Hash extension plugin (Animation Master).
.hxx - C++ header file.
.i00 - WinPhone phonebook / DVD Shrink.
.i - Borland C++ intermediary file.
.ic - ASwin project file.
.icf - Information (Model) Configuration file / ICOM (CS-R20) communications file.
.icl - Icon Library File.
.icm - Image Color Matching profile.
.ico - Windows icon file.
.ics - Calendar data exchange file / SwiftView command file / IronCAD Scene file.
.id - MapInfo index file.
.idb - MS-Dev intermediate file.
.idx - FoxPro index file / C-tree plus index file.
.if - CRwin project file.
.ifo - CD/DVD Information file.
.iif - QuickBooks import file.
.img - GEM image file / CloneCD image file / Erdas Hierarchical Image file / LinkSys firmware image file.
.imh - Incredimail email index file.
.imm - iMindMap mind-map file / IncrediMail e-mail file.
.imp - eBook import file / Simply Accounting file / Compressed archive / FileMaker Pro data filter / Desktop Dispatcher import file / WINGS GIS export file.
.in - GNU Autoconf configuration script.
.ind - MapInfo index file.
.inf - Information file.
.ini - Initialisation file.
.ink - Mimio presentation / Pantone reference fills file.
.inl - Inline file.
.ins - Internet Naming Service file / InstallShield script.
.isd - MySql data file.
.ism - MySql index file.
.iso - CD image file.
.iss - Inno Setup Script.
.iwp - Interactive web physics file / Wang WP file / Generated web page.
.jad - Java Application Descriptor.
.jar - Java Archive.
.java - Java source file.
.jfif - JPEG graphics file.
.jgw - JPEG world file
.jhtm - Java Server page
.jhtml - Java Server page.
.jnl - CVS journal file.
.jpg - JPEG graphics file.
.jpeg - JPEG graphics file.
.jpe - JPEG graphics file.
.jpr - JBuilder project file.
.jpx - JBuilder project file.
.js - JavaScript file.
.json - JSON data interchange file.
.jsp - Java Server page.
.klb - F-Secure anti-virus signature update file.
.kfm - Keyframe Motion file (Animation Master).
.kml - Keyhole Markup Language file (Google Earth)
.kmz - Compressed keyhole markup language file.
.l - LEX source file
.lab - Excel mailing labels file ./ Codesoft Systems label software template file.
.lbl - Tharo Systems output label file.
.lbr - Library file (Animation Master).
.lbt - FoxPro label memo.
.lbx - FoxPro label.
.ldf - SQL Server database log file.
.ldif - LDAP Data Interchange file / Netscape address book export.
.ldr - LDraw drawing file
.lgo - Windows start-up logo file.
.lha - Compressed file.
.lib - Library file.
.lic - Component license file / Generic license file.
.lit - eBook / Light file.
.lnk - Windows shortcut.
.log - Log file.
.lsp - Autocad lisp program.
.lst - FoxPro file.
.lzh - Compressed file.
.m1v - MPEG movie.
.m2ts - Sony high definition video file.
.m3u - MP3 play list.
.m4a - Apple Inc MPEG 4 file.
.map - Linker map file / MapInfo file / Manifold project file.
.maq - Access query.
.mar - Access report.
.mat - Material file.
.max - PaperPort image file.
.mbs - Opera mailbox / Multi bit series file / Master Bibliography style file / MR Tech Zip backup / Macrografx Picture Publisher Brush / Mailbag assistant script.
.mcd - Motion capture plugin (Animation Master).
.mco - MSN messenger winks file / XtraMusic file (tentative).
.md5 - Shorten audio checksum file / MD5 checksum file.
.mda - MicroDesign area file.
.mdb - Access database.
.mde - Access database (compiled).
.mdf - SQL Server database file / CD image file.
.mdl - Rose model file / Animation Master model file.
.mdp - MicroDesign page file.
.mds - CD image file.
.mdx - Mapserver database index file.
.mht - Web archive file.
.mhtml - Modular Hyper Text Mark-up Language web page / Web archive file.
.mid - MIDI file / MapInfo interchange file.
.mif - MapInfo interchange file.
.mim - A MIME file.
.mix - Power C object file / Command and Conquer file / PhotoDraw picture / Picture IT! picture / Dance eJay music mix.
.mkv - Matroska video file.
.mm - FreeMind mind map file / Matrix Market file.
.mma - Musical MIDI Accompaniment song file / Master Album Maker Album.
.mmap - MindManager mind-map file.
.mmd - Mail Message Download file
.mn2 - Descent 2 mission file.
.mod - Windows kernel module.
.modd - Picture Motion Browser data file.
.moff - Picture Motion Browser index file.
.mol - Molfile.
.mot - Motion file.
.mov - QuckTime movie.
.movie - Silicon Graphics movie.
.moz - Netscape cache file.
.mp2 - MPEG 2 audio file.
.mp3 - MPEG 3 audio file.
.mp4 - MPEG 4 audio file.
.mpc - Musepack (audio) file.
.mpd - Multi Part Dat file.
.mpe - MPEG movie.
.mpeg - MPEG movie.
.mpg - MPEG movie.
.mpp - Microsoft Project file / CAD drawing file.
.msc - MMC snap-in file / CRiSP fish stocks file.
.msdvd - Windows DVD Maker project file.
.mse - MSwinEHE project file.
.msg - Outlook message file / Fidonet message.
.msi - System installer package.
.msm - System installer merge module.
.msn - Descent 1 mission file.
.msp - Microsoft System Installer Patch file / Midi Studio Project file.
.mspx - ASP.NET file.
.mst - Microsoft System Installer Transform file
.mvl - Descent 2 movie archive.
.mws - MapInfo workspace file.
.myd - MySQL data file.
.myi - MySQL index file.
.ncb - Visual Studio browse file.
.ncf - Netware command file.
.nch - Outlook express news items / Audio file / Virus.
.ndf - Secondary SQL Server data file.
.nds - Nintendo DS binary file.
.nk2 - Microsoft Outlook Nickname file.
.nlm - Netware loadable module.
.nfb - Nokia Phone (Fone) Book, backup file.
.nls - National language code page file.
.nn - Nero CD file list.
.npk - MicroTik RouterOS upgrade package / n-Track Studio temporary file.
.nrg - Nero CD image.
.ns - NSwin project file / NetStumbler log file.
.nsf - Lotus notes database file.
.ntf - National Imagery Transmission format.
.nut - Nutricalc file.
.nwc - NoteWorthy composer music score / NavisWorks Cache file.
.o - Object file.
.obj - Object file (Windows)
.oca - VB cache file.
.ocx - ActiveX control.
.ods - OpenOffice spreadsheet / Outlook Express mailbox.
.odt - OpenDocument Text document / Virtual Reality Explorer Kit Object file.
.oeb - Open eBook file.
.oft - Outlook form template file.
.ogg - Ogg Vorbis music file.
.old - Generic old or backup file.
.opf - FlipBook definition file
.opt - Visual studio workspace information file.
.ost - Exchange offline storage file.
.ovl - Driveimage setup file / Overlay file.
.p - Progress 4GL code file / Pascal source file.
.pak - WAD file.
.pal - Generic colour palette files / Paint Shop Pro colour palette file / PiXCL palette file.
.paq8o10t - PAQ compressed archive.
.par - Windows 3.x swap file.
.pas - Pascal source file.
.pbm - Portable bitmap image file.
.pcd - Kodak photo CD image.
.pch - Precompiled header file.
.pce - Eudora mail file.
.pcl - Printer Control Language file.
.pct - Macintosh drawing file.
.pcx - PC Paintbrush image file.
.pdb - Program Database / Palm document.
.pdd - Adobe PhotoDeluxe image file.
.pdf - Portable Document Format / Printer description file.
.pfx - PostEffect plug-in file (Animation Master) / Personal Information Exchange file.
.pgt - Compiled Tags database / Sothink Glanda Widget Tools File.
.php - PHP script file.
.pic - Lotus graphic file / Micrografx Draw! file / Pegasus image file / SoftImage frame.
.pict - Apple Mac internal picture format file.
.pif - Executable / graphics file / compressed archive.
.pig - Descent texture data.
.pjp - JPEG graphics file.
.pjpeg - JPEG graphics file.
.pk7 - Signed Electronic bill.
.pkl - Packing list file.
.pl - Perl script.
.plg - Visual Studio build log.
.plr - Descent player file.
.pls - Generic playlist file.
.plt - Plot file.
.ply - Poly model file (Animation Master).
.pm - Perl Module.
.pm3 - PageMaker 3.0 document.
.pm4 - PageMaker 4.0 document.
.pm5 - PageMaker 5.0 document
.pm6 - PageMaker 6.0 document
.pml - Process Monitor log file.
.pmd - Published map document.
.png - Graphics file.
.pof - Descent 1 3D data file.
.pog - Descent texture data.
.pol - System policy file.
.pot - PowerPoint design template.
.ppd - PostScript printer description / PowerPoint slide show.
.ppm - Portable pixelmap image.
.ppp - Page Plus file / AIRSAR log file / Enfocus PDF Profile.
.pps - PowerPoint slide show / Ping Plotter file.
.ppt - PowerPoint presentation file.
.ppz - PowerPoint animation file / Packed PowerPoint file.
.prb - xyAlgebra probabilities file / DMSolver problem file / Silicon Explorer Probe file / Phat probabilities file.
.pre - Render preset file (Animation Master).
.prf - Outlook Profile file / ClarisWorks Preferences File / Macromedia Director Preferences file.
.prg - FoxPro or dBASE source file.
.prj - PC Guard project file / Animation Master project file.
.prn - Print file.
.ps - PostScript file.
.psd - Native Adobe Photoshop format.
.psp - Paint Shop Pro image.
.pst - Personal folder file (Microsoft Outlook) / PostEffect file (Animation Master).
.pub - Microsoft Publisher document.
.py - Python source file.
.qh - Simplex database query file.
.qif - Quicken import file.
.qt - QuickTime movie.
.qxd - QuarkXPress document.
.qxd - QuarkXPress document.
.r - Pegasus Mail resource file
.r00 - Part of a RAR archive
.r01 - Part of a RAR archive.
.ra - RealAudio file.
.ram - RealAudio meta file.
.rar - Compressed file.
.raw - Raw binary image file.
.rc - Resource file.
.rdi - Remote desktop connection file.
.rdl - Descent 1 level file.
.rdlc - Client Report Definition file.
.rec - Rational Robot test script / ArcServe backup file / Audio-visual media file / RSA SecurID file / ProMash recipie file.
.res - Resource file.
.resx - .Net resource file.
.rdo - Rawster document object.
.reg - Windows registry file.
.rh - Simplex database report.
.rl2 - Descent 2 level file.
.rm - RealAudio video file.
.rpm - RedHat package manager.
.rps - Delphi translation repository file.
.rpt - Crystal Report file.
.rsp - Response file / ODBC driver configuration file.
.rt - RealText file.
.rtd - RagTime data file.
.rtf - Rich text file.
.rtx - Rich text file.
.ru - Javasoft JRE lib file.
.sav - Generic saved back up or data file / SPSS data file.
.sbh - Rational robot header file.
.sbl - Graphic symbol library file / Rational robot language file / Softbridge Basic language script.
.sbn - Driver 3 game file / ArcView spatial index file.
.sbr - Source browse file.
.sbx - Adobe Illustrator Tsume File / ArcView spatial index file.
.sca - Scala script file.
.scb - Published Scala script file / Scribble document file / AI scripting file / Supercard eBook file.
.scc - Source safe integration file.
.scf - Windows Explorer Command file / DNA Baser file / LabView tag file.
.sch - Scheme file (Animation Master).
.scr - Screen saver / AutoCAD script file
.scs - SuperTable data file.
.scm - ICQ Sound Compressed Sound Scheme file.
.sds - Open Office chart file / Star Office chart file / MIDI Sample dump file / Digital Space browser link / Smart Diary Suite database.
.sea - StuffIt file.
.sgml - Standard generalised mark-up language file.
.sh - Shell script.
.shd - Shader plugin (Animation Master).
.shn - Compressed audio file.
.shp - ArcView shapefile.
.shs - Scrap object file.
.shtml - HTML file supporting server side includes.
.shx - ArcView index file.
.sid - MrSID file.
.sis - Symbian/EPOC OS installation file.
.sit - Macintosh StuffIt archive.
.sl8 - SIMUL8 simulation file.
.slk - Symbolic link format file.
.sln - Visual Studio solution object file.
.smd - SEGA mega drive ROM file.
.smi - RealPlayer file.
.snd - Sound file.
.snp - Microsoft Access report snapshot.
.sol - Local Shared Object file (Flash).
.sos - DRS OMR decode instruction file.
.spo - SPSS output file.
.spr - Brother spreadsheet / Half-life sprite file.
.sps - SPSS syntax file / SyncBack profile file.
.sql - Structured Query Language file.
.sqm - Windows Live Messenger (Software Quality Metrics) Log File / Windows Live Mail log file / Operation Flashpoint mission file.
.srd - Supercube file.
.srf - ATL Server file / InfoCrafter document / Raster graphics file / Raw graphics file / Spectral Response Function data / SurfSaver file / Terragen™ Surface map file.
.srg - Self Registration File.
.srl - Local database file / Nintendo ROM dump file.
.srt - Subtitles file.
.ssa - Source Safe archive file.
.ssf - Show Shifter File.
.ssf.00 - Show Shifter file.
.ssf.01 - Show Shifter file.
.stc - Open Office Calc template file.
.std - Open Office Draw template file.
.sti - Open Office Impress template file.
.stm - Exchange file / Server side include / State transition diagram / Media file.
.str - String replacement file / DataPerfect file / Video game file.
.sts - Datapulse - CIM file.
.stw - OpenOffice Writer template file.
.stx - Santa Barbara Instrument Group file.
.sub - CloneCD sub channel data file.
.suo - Visual Studio user options file.
.svg - Scalable vector graphic file.
.svgz - Compressed scalable vector graphics file.
.svn - Subversion directory.
.swf - Flash file.
.swp - Swap file.
.sxc - Open Office Calc file.
.sxd - Open Office Draw file.
.sxg - Open Office master document.
.sxi - Open Office Impress file.
.sxm - Open Office Math file.
.sxp - Open Office Presentation file.
.sxw - Open Office Writer document.
.syd - SYSTAT data file.
.syo - SYSTAT output file.
.sys - Windows system file.
.tab - MapInfo table structure file.
.tar - tape archive compressed file.
.td - Simplex database table.
.tex - Latex file.
.tfw - ArcView (Tiff) world coordinates file.
.tga - Targa bitmap.
.tgr - Tiger line file.
.th - Simplex database table header file.
.thm - Video thumbnail file.
.tif - TIFF file.
.tiff - TIFF file.
.tlb - Type library file.
.tmb - Thumbnail image file.
.tmd - Temporary file.
.tmp - Temporary file.
.tod - JVC video clip file.
.topc - TopicCrunch SEO-project parameter set.
.tp - TPwin project file.
.tpc - 3D Topicscape inter-Topicscape topic link file.
.tpl - Generic template file / PHP template file.
.trb - Turbulence plugin (Animation Master).
.tsv - Tab Separated Values file.
.ttf - True type font.
.tub - Paint Shop Pro picture tube file.
.txt - ASCII text file.
.ucf - User Constraint File / Coordinate list file / WebEx Universal Communications file.
.udf - Uniqueness definition file.
.udl - Data link file.
.uha - UHARC compressed archive.
.url - Internet shortcut file.
.usr - User profile file for GuildFTPD
.utf - Ulead Video Studio subtitle file.
.uue - UU-encoded file.
.v64 - Nintendo emulation ROM image.
.vb - Visual Basic .NET source file.
.vbproj - Visual Basic .NET project file.
.vbs - Visual Basic script file.
.vbx - Visual Basic extension.
.vcf - vCard.
.vfx - Volumetric effect plugin (Animation Master).
.vcg - ViziGen code generation template flie.
.vhd - Virtual Hard Disk file / Windows Server Backup virtual disk file.
.vic - ViziGen import mappings file.
.vip - Magix Audio Clean system project file.
.vm - Virtual memory file.
.vmc - Microsoft Virtual PC configuration file.
.vob - (DVD) Video Object file.
.vpc - ViziGen code generation model control file / VIPP Project Container file.
.vsd - Visio drawing file.
.vsi - Visual Studio Community Content Installer file.
.vxd - Windows 9x virtual device driver.
.wab - Windows address book file.
.wav - Waveform audio file.
.wdb - Windows Works database file.
.web - FrontPage web file.
.wk1 - Lotus spreadsheet.
.wk2 - Lotus spreadsheet.
.wk3 - Lotus spreadsheet.
.wk4 - Lotus spreadsheet.
.wma - Windows Media audio file.
.wmf - Graphics file.
.wmv - Audio/Video file.
.wms - Windows Media Skin definition file.
.wmz - Windows Media Skin file.
.wor - MapInfo workspace file.
.wp2 - Winplot file.
.wp3 - Windows Photo Story project file / Winplot file.
.wpd - WordPerfect file.
.wpp - Web Plus Project file / WordPerfect colour palette file / Web Part Package file.
.wps - Works word processor file.
.wpt - Brother document / Waypoints file / WordPerfect template.
.wrf - WebEx Recorded File.
.wri - Windows Write Document.
.wrl - VRML 3D file.
.wrz - VRML 3D file.
.wsf - Script host file.
.wsh - Script host file.
.wsp - Web Site Publisher settings / Paint Shop Pro file / Visual C++ Workspace information file / Word Splash Pro file / Windows SharePoint Services file / Chromeleon workspace file.
.wswksp - Java workspace configuration file.
.wsz - Winamp skin.
.wvf - Waveform data file
.wvx - Windows video playlist file.
.x - 3d mesh file / RPC language source file.
.xar - Vector graphics file / Excel auto-recover save file.
.xbm - X windows cursor or bitmap.
.xhtml - XHTML web page
.xif - Image file / Pagis scanned document image file.
.xlb - Microsoft Excel toolbar file.
.xlr - Microsoft Works spreadsheet.
.xls - Excel spreadsheet.
.xlsx - Excel (XML) Spreadsheet file.
.xlt - Excel template.
.xml - Generic XML file extension.
.xpf - Homestead SiteBuilder file.
.xps - Microsoft (XML) Project File.
.xsd - XML schema definition file.
.xtf - eXtended Triton Format file.
.y - YACC source file.
.ywf - Yeah Write! word processor file.
.yxx - Bison source file.
.yz - Compressed archive
.z80 - Sinclair Spectrum emulator file.
.z - Unix compressed file.
.zhp - Zipped PCL file. / SwiftView command file.
.zip - PKzip compressed file or archive / 7-zip compressed file / other compressed file.
.zix - WixZix compressed file / Quicken data file / Caml Light debugger file.
.zmc - ZoneAlarm Mailsafe email file / Passport PC to Host Macro file.
.zno - Zinio Reader Magazine file
.zoo - Compressed archive.
Other Special character format extensions
~ - Outlook express address book backup
.$$$ - Temporary file.
.~df - Backup of Delphi form file.
.~dfm - Backup of Delphi form file.
.~dp - Backup of Delphi project file.
.~dpr - Backup of Delphi project file.
.~pa - Backup of Delphi source file.
.~pas - Backup of Delphi source file.
.123 - Lotus 123 spreadsheet file.
.12da - 12d Model ASCII exchange format.
.2gr - Windows 3.x file.
.256 - Descent 2 palette file.
.3dt - 3D Topicscape database file.
.386 - Windows 3.x swap file.
.3gr - Windows 3.x file.
.411 - Sony Mavica data file.
.4th - Forth language source file.
.906 - Calcomp plotter file.
குறிப்பு: வேற பைல் எக்ஸ்டென்சன் தெரிந்தால் மடல் அனுப்பவும் பிரசுரிக்கப்படும்.
பைல் எக்ஸ்டேன்சன் தெரியாதவர்களுக்காக
Jan 7, 2009
Vadielan R
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நண்பர்களே இதுவரை எழுதிய பதிவுகள் அனைத்தையும் காண ஒரு சுட்டி உருவாக்கி வலது பக்கம் கொடுத்து வைத்துள்ளேன் புதியதாக நம் வலைத்தளத்திற்கு வரும் ...
நண்பர்களே உங்களிடம் உள்ள பிடிஎப் கோப்புகளை வேர்ட் கோப்பிற்கு மாற்ற மிகவும் சுலபமான மென்பொருள் PDF TO Word Converter இந்த மென்பொருள் சட்ட...
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நண்பர்களே இதுவரை வெளிவந்த தேடுபொறிகளை விட மிக அதிக வசதிகளுடன் புதிய தேடுபொறி ஒன்றை மைக்ரோசாப்ட் நிறுவனம் வெளியிட தீர்மானித்துள்ளது. அதுதான் ...
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2 ஊக்கப்படுத்தியவர்கள்:
பயனுள்ள பதிவு. நன்றி.
மிகவும் பயனுள்ள பதிவு கணிணியைப் புதிதாய் பயன்படுத்துபவர்களுக்கும் மேலும் நன்கு அறிந்து கொள்ள முயலுபவர்களுக்கும் பயனுள்ளதாக அமையும் என்பதில் ஐயமேதுமில்லை.
வாழ்க வளமுடன்
என்றும் நட்புடன்
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